Fushifaru Maldives and Muni Foundation host event advocating for no single-use plastic

2 mins read

Fushifaru Maldives, together with Muni Foundation, held the event “Plastic Aa Nulaa” at Central Park, Hulhumale on 29th April 2024. The event steered individuals, communities, and organizations towards the cause of eliminating single-use plastic in order to protect marine life and foster a more sustainable way of living. A beach cleanup was also held before the event.

The gold sponsor of the event was Ooredoo Maldives and the bronze sponsors were La Linker and Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA). The event featured a diverse range of activities and initiatives designed to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of single-use plastics on our environment and encourage the adoption of eco-friendly alternatives.

Fushifaru has implemented a range of green initiatives, including a coral propagation project, the  elimination of single-use plastic bags, planting trees and promoting sustainable cooking practices with  a chef’s garden. The resort has been commended for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, preserve marine life and support local communities. Muni Foundation is actively involved in various initiatives aimed at preserving natural ecosystems and reducing environmental impact. 

”We are thrilled to host Plastic Aa Nulaa, a significantly important event of the year to support efforts  to tackle plastic pollution in our city,” said Mr Ahmed Siaar, the General Manager of Fushifaru Maldives. “It’s inspiring to see so many individuals and organizations come together with a shared commitment to protecting our planet.”